The Eldership

"The work of pastors being constantly to attend the service of Christ, in his churches, in the ministry of the word and prayer, with watching for their souls, as they that must give an account to Him; it is incumbent on the churches to whom they minister, not only to give them all due respect, but also to communicate to them of all their good things according to their ability, so as they may have a comfortable supply, without being themselves entangled in secular affairs; and may also be capable of exercising hospitality towards others; and this is required by the law of nature, and by the express order of our Lord Jesus, who has ordained that they that preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel."

Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689

Our Elder

Pastor Xley Miguel

Xley grew up in Quezon City, Philippines under the care of his father, grandmother, and aunts. He was baptized in August 1, 2010 and became a regular attendee and a musician in a megachurch until around 2014. He married the love of his life, Van, in 2015, and they were blessed with two sons, Yosher and Calvin, and one daughter, Lexy. Xley learned Calvinism in late 2015, and studied Covenant Theology in 2017. His understanding of Reformed Theology became firm when he enrolled in Grace Ministerial Academy in 2018 under the teaching of Ptr. Noel Espinosa. In 2019, he and other men in their previous church decided to plant an outreach which will eventually become Christ’s Heritege Church. He was then ordained and installed as the pastor of the church in February 29, 2020. He loves to spend time with family, specifically date nights with his wife, and teaching theology to his two boys.